H.E. Lasha Khutsishvili, Minister of Finance of Georgia met David O’Sullivan, EU Sanctions Envoy and Ambassador James O’Brien, Head of the Sanctions Coordination Office at the US Department of State today

H.E. Lasha Khutsishvili, Minister of Finance of Georgia met David O’Sullivan, EU Sanctions Envoy and Ambassador James O’Brien, Head of the Sanctions Coordination Office at the US Department of State today.

The Minister of Finance of Georgia expressed gratitude towards international partners for the close cooperation, technical assistance in the due administration of international sanctions and positive assessment of the work carried out by Georgia in enforcing the international sanctions.

Dignitaries reviewed the steps made by Georgia towards preventing risks stemming from the possible evasion of international sanctions since the launch of the military operation of Russia towards Ukraine. Significance of coordinated work with allies and partners towards this end was highlighted once again.

High-ranking officials visiting the country were briefed about details related to the enforcement of international sanctions and all the measures taken by the Inland Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia in handling the export, re-export and transit of goods through the country.

As noted at the meeting, Georgia continues its close cooperation with partners to make sure that country continues supporting the international community in enforcing sanctions.

Meeting was attended by H.E. Pawel Herczynski, Ambassador of the EU to Georgia; H.E. Kelly C. Degnan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA to Georgia and H.E. Mark Clayton, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the UK to Georgia; Ekaterine Guntsadze, Deputy Minister of Finance of Georgia; Levan Kakava, Director General of the Inland Revenue Service of Georgia; Vladimer Khundadze, Deputy Director General of the Inland Revenue Service of Georgia; Zurab Sichinava, Head of Customs Department; other officials of the Inland Revenue Service of Georgia.


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