Dear MOF Website Visitors,

Information posted on our website is available on budget policy (main economic and financial indicators, budget execution reports, budget legislation, major macroeconomic indicators), public debt management and external borrowings, programs and projects implemented with financial support of donor agencies, emission of Treasury Bills and Treasury Liabilities. Apart from the aforementioned, you may also find information here about export and import trends, registry of charity organizations and current position of the country in the realm of international taxation, etc.

You may also wish to obtain information on the organizational structure and mandate of the Ministry of Finance, along with the description of its functions, biographies of H.E. Minister Khaduri, Deputy Ministers, mid-management, HRM, public procurement of the Ministry of Finance, privatization of public assets, quarterly payroll (including base salaries, supplements and bonuses), expenses incurred during official business trips and meetings, list of vehicles captured in the balance sheet of the Ministry, consumption of fuel, expenses incurred on the vehicle maintenance and repairs, list of fixed assets kept on the balance sheet of the Ministry, expenses incurred on domestic and international telephony. All of this is readily available at our website.

Please feel free to suggest ideas for making the operation of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia further more transparent.

Please indicate what else would you wish to know about us. We will ultimately post this information on our website. You may also take part in our survey to indicate your needs towards our public disclosure.

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Donor Organizations

Citizens Guide
2022 State Budget

Economic Review

Public Internal Financial Control

Council of Tax Appeals


Reports and Presentations

Training and Career